Sunday 10 July 2016

Weekly Activity Pictures

Hello there!

This past week was a busy one....had meetings to attend and three paint jobs to do, but I was able to get all that I planned done. Now I am drawing up plans for this new week, I hope you have your own plans too. Planning your day, your week, your month keeps you in track. We all know the saying that goes, "when you fail to plan you plan to fail". I don't plan to fail so I will get my pen and paper right now and write down all I need to get done this week, people I need to call and strike them off when each task has been done. Trust me it's a good feeling striking them out, it makes you feel like you don't have much else to do (laughs), but that's not true cause there is always something else to do! I am a traditional person, so most times I like to write things down, but the disadvantage of writing them down in paper is that the paper can't prompt you when you need to get those tasks done. Thank God for apps that can remind you of your tasks and I use them too e.g Any.Do, Google Calendar etc. If you don't have any of them installed on your device please do so today and use it!
Continue after the link for pictures of paint jobs I executed this past week.

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